Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fox News tries to Mislead

    I came across this article while researching the Cost of invading  Iraq. As I read this article I wondered what the purpose of this piece of misinformation is for?  First, if your going to compare two totally different subjects how about at least looking at the them in the same light.  The cost of the Iraq war should be also looked at as a "Projection".  In which case the projected cost of the Iraq war is 3 TRILLION dollars over a total of 12 years.  This 3 trillion dollars is money that will never be recovered, unless we steal about 30 billion barrels from Iraq. 

     There are those that don't believe the government should be stimulating the economy.  For those people I say go do some research on the great depression(google it lots of info on it).  Some historians believe the Great Depression could of been avoided and only would of been a bad recession had the government stepped in to assist.   The government failed to do anything then, and by the time FDR got into office there was no amount of stimulus that would jump start the economy.  It took an Ally Victory in WWII to pull us out. 

      The article continues to talk about deficit and lists 2007, 2008 skips 09 and then projects 2010,  I guess the point is to try and prove Bush wasn't that bad, and Obama is on a spending spree.  Bush inherited a budget surplus of 281 billion with a projected surplus of 5.6 billion dollars over 10 years.  After his tax cuts,  the Iraq war and a crash in the economy, in 2009 Bush handed Obama 1 trillion dollar deficit and an extra 5 trillion dollars worth of debt.  Take a look at if you get a chance, look at our debt, and our deficit  over the years and look at the trend.

Obama has a steep hill to climb.  He needs to wrap up the war in Afghanistan, get out of the Middle East, stimulate our economy and reduce our deficit and overall debt before we go bankrupt.  Its going to be a hard thing to do with the politics as volatile as it is.  If  we can't get members of congress in office that will work with the President there is no chance of a recovery anytime soon.  I say give the President what he says he needs to fix our country, and If he can't do it, then vote him out next election.  Help our President and our nation, be cautious about voting for some of these radicals that are running for office.  They will not help the American cause.

Check out this last web site about income tax rates.  Compare it with our debts, deficits and the events at the time in America, what do you think?  Social security, Medicaid, Public Schools, Interstate and Highway projects weren't just invented as part as a conspiracy to steal money.  These programs evolved over time to fill a need.

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