Monday, February 28, 2011

Gun control, drugs, and my civil liberties

          Liberal Democrats you have to give up the mission of trying to ban firearms. It is an agenda that is unpopular with most of America. You are the party that defends civil liberties. Why do you continue on with this useless crusade to alter or abolish the second amendment. American history is written with the blood and gun powder of our forefathers; it is apart of our countries heritage. It is the people's last line of defense against the tyrannical forces that threaten our precious democracy. It would be the gravest of mistakes to allow any of our freedoms to be subjected to limitations, or the out right suspension of, by a political faction. If we relinquish this right; then why would our government stop short of taking all of our liberties.
      To blame the guns for murders that are committed by the people who wield them; is like blaming cars for someone who is drinking and driving and hits and kills a kid while waiting at the busstop. It don't make sense. The people who have co...mmitted these crimes are the only thing that should be held accountable. Why can we not just admit that crime is not a problem because of the amount of firearms there are, but instead it is a result of social injustices and inequalities within our society. If people were not made to feel that life was hopeless and all is lost, and had a good job, or the social programs in place to provide a latter; a life line to which people they could pull themselves up and out of their own miserable circumstances then maybe they would not be overcome with desperation, and react in an unreasonable and an uncivil manner.
      That leaves us with drugs and drug crimes. You have created this culture of violence by enforcing draconian drug laws that do not work. How many times are we going to have to go down this same road. The prohibition of anything will always g...ive rise to a shady, illegal underground culture. This subterranean culture is driven by greed and the insanity of the addicts themselves. It is not the governments duty to prevent us from doing things that may be harmful to one's self. The governments role in the drug debate is to create laws that bring about severe penalties and prosecute, those who use drug,and that use infringes on or violates the right of an individuals safety or property. I am not saying drugs should have no restriction. I am just saying there should be no criminal liability for a responsible user who does not harm or endanger anyone elses right to life liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The breath of life

I watched a show on Gamma Ray bursts from stars, which occur when a star collapses into a neutron star or a black hole.  The amount of energy that is released, and if it was focused on the earth, could destroy our atomsphere, and destroy our dna and basically wipe out life.  I also watched a show on Nova Science Now, about the chemical reactions of proteins that could combine to form structures of RNA, and with light from the sun, turn some of the RNA into another structure of RNA with just the LIGHT.   We don't see life generating now out of chemical elements, so how and why would it on Earth during its early years.

I began to wonder, what kind of planetary event could cause life to form early in Earths existence.  It had to be global, the likely hood of it forming in a pond and spreading across the world just seems very unlikely to me.    Early Earth was much different than now,   comets, asteroids, and various of other space debris hitting the earth and bringing all types of elements to our earth.

What I propose is during this early time on Earth,  a gamma ray burst  hitting the Earth, causing the building blocks of life, to spontaneous generate "Life" on a global scale,  using this enegy and transforming chemistry into Biology.  Others have already made other parts of the RNA by just putting the right ingredients together at the right time and adding sun light.  The rest could of come from the gamma ray burst changing the natural occuring RNA into something new.  Making life a very rare event, since a gamma ray burst hitting the earth is happens maybe once every 1 billion years.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Kneejerk's opinion 10-29-10

       After reading some very interesting articles today, I began asking my self "What are your beliefs".  And then more importantly "Why do you believe these thing".   I, like a lot of other people, walk around with beliefs with no real awareness as to why.  I pondered for many hours these very questions, and it was quite interesting and enlightening. My wondering mind inevitably went to my children, and the thought of Santa Clause came to the front.
     My youngest daughter came to me, not more than a month ago, and asked me "Is Santa Clause real?"  I should of been prepared for such a question, since she is in 3rd grade, but of course I was caught off guard.   So i had to buy some time and I asked her "Why?  Don't you believe in Santa Clause?"  As she rattled off her reasons for believing, and why she was beginning to question it, it was clear to me that the magic of Christmas was still with her.  She still wanted to believe.  The doubt was coming from fellow classmates who had already found out "The Truth" of Christmas.

    I'm happy to know she still believes in Christmas.  She and my youngest son, are the only two who enjoy the magic.  I enjoy it, not for myself, but because of the complete joy they receive when Christmas morning comes.     My distant memory of Christmas is still clear in my mind.  The joy, the excitement, it was a truly wondrous time for me.  And I hope that they can continue the magic with their children, and the cycle continues.  But this a leads to a question:

    Why does she believe?  We'll to start off, its because I told her so.  We've read her stories, sang songs, and ultimately, there are presents under a Christmas tree and in her stockings every Christmas morning.  What more does a kid need than that.  Well it appears, some reassurance every now and again from her father, since some of her peers already know the dirty little secrete.

   Our entire existence is just like that story.  There are very few things that we know.  Most of what we think we know, we learned from someone else.  There are very few "Truths".  Math is a universal truth, and then you have stuff like Grammar, which is a man made accepted truth.  Even definitions of words are sometimes questionable.  Sometimes we are to gullible, and other times we are too lazy to seek out the truth.  But the truth is something we must all seek.

I "believe" there are other truths, that are sometimes taken for granted.  "Would I want someone to come over and steal the money out of my wallet.  Or how about put a bullet in my brain?  Burn my house down?, hurt one of my children or my wife? Tell a lie and get me fired from my job?  I don't think I would be to far off calling those universal human truths.  But what about these.  Would you give to someone in need if you knew they wouldn't waste it, and would appreciate it.  Give a ride to a complete stranger  if you "KNEW" it was safe.  Giving monies to charities in which "ALL" of the proceeds go directly to the needy, and there are "NO" administrative  fees.

    I find myself wanting to trust people, but most of the time it seems someone is trying to put one over on me.  Or at the very least, try to get more out of me because they know somewhere down the line, someone is going to squeeze more out of them.  What if the world could trust.  What if we knew there would always  be more, and so at present, we only take what we need?

Before I stray much more from my original topic, I would like to try and wrap up this blog up for today.  What are your beliefs, and why do you believe them.  Although hope and magic are things that can make life worth while,  does it set us up to be ultimately let down.   As long as Santa brings joy to my little ones, I don't rightly care.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fox News tries to Mislead

    I came across this article while researching the Cost of invading  Iraq. As I read this article I wondered what the purpose of this piece of misinformation is for?  First, if your going to compare two totally different subjects how about at least looking at the them in the same light.  The cost of the Iraq war should be also looked at as a "Projection".  In which case the projected cost of the Iraq war is 3 TRILLION dollars over a total of 12 years.  This 3 trillion dollars is money that will never be recovered, unless we steal about 30 billion barrels from Iraq. 

     There are those that don't believe the government should be stimulating the economy.  For those people I say go do some research on the great depression(google it lots of info on it).  Some historians believe the Great Depression could of been avoided and only would of been a bad recession had the government stepped in to assist.   The government failed to do anything then, and by the time FDR got into office there was no amount of stimulus that would jump start the economy.  It took an Ally Victory in WWII to pull us out. 

      The article continues to talk about deficit and lists 2007, 2008 skips 09 and then projects 2010,  I guess the point is to try and prove Bush wasn't that bad, and Obama is on a spending spree.  Bush inherited a budget surplus of 281 billion with a projected surplus of 5.6 billion dollars over 10 years.  After his tax cuts,  the Iraq war and a crash in the economy, in 2009 Bush handed Obama 1 trillion dollar deficit and an extra 5 trillion dollars worth of debt.  Take a look at if you get a chance, look at our debt, and our deficit  over the years and look at the trend.

Obama has a steep hill to climb.  He needs to wrap up the war in Afghanistan, get out of the Middle East, stimulate our economy and reduce our deficit and overall debt before we go bankrupt.  Its going to be a hard thing to do with the politics as volatile as it is.  If  we can't get members of congress in office that will work with the President there is no chance of a recovery anytime soon.  I say give the President what he says he needs to fix our country, and If he can't do it, then vote him out next election.  Help our President and our nation, be cautious about voting for some of these radicals that are running for office.  They will not help the American cause.

Check out this last web site about income tax rates.  Compare it with our debts, deficits and the events at the time in America, what do you think?  Social security, Medicaid, Public Schools, Interstate and Highway projects weren't just invented as part as a conspiracy to steal money.  These programs evolved over time to fill a need.