Sunday, February 27, 2011

The breath of life

I watched a show on Gamma Ray bursts from stars, which occur when a star collapses into a neutron star or a black hole.  The amount of energy that is released, and if it was focused on the earth, could destroy our atomsphere, and destroy our dna and basically wipe out life.  I also watched a show on Nova Science Now, about the chemical reactions of proteins that could combine to form structures of RNA, and with light from the sun, turn some of the RNA into another structure of RNA with just the LIGHT.   We don't see life generating now out of chemical elements, so how and why would it on Earth during its early years.

I began to wonder, what kind of planetary event could cause life to form early in Earths existence.  It had to be global, the likely hood of it forming in a pond and spreading across the world just seems very unlikely to me.    Early Earth was much different than now,   comets, asteroids, and various of other space debris hitting the earth and bringing all types of elements to our earth.

What I propose is during this early time on Earth,  a gamma ray burst  hitting the Earth, causing the building blocks of life, to spontaneous generate "Life" on a global scale,  using this enegy and transforming chemistry into Biology.  Others have already made other parts of the RNA by just putting the right ingredients together at the right time and adding sun light.  The rest could of come from the gamma ray burst changing the natural occuring RNA into something new.  Making life a very rare event, since a gamma ray burst hitting the earth is happens maybe once every 1 billion years.

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